Wednesday, July 7, 2010


grocery store check-out clerk: "paper or plastic? or do you just wanna use those bags under your eyes?"

Monday, July 5, 2010

Watch out, world.

I found the secret to success.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

PEP talk

I went to work at a hospital in Africa last year, and as a precaution (since I would be in the OR, and HIV prevalence there is about 25%, and needlesticks do happen), I brought along anti-retroviral medication for post-exposure prophylaxis. It's kind of expensive, so I didn't throw it away after I got home.

I just know that, some day, someone will snoop through my medicine cabinet, find my bottle of Truvada, and conclude that I have AIDS.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Understatement of the Year

Surgery Exit Eval:
"Dr. Psychobitch PGY-3 was difficult to work with as her mood can be unpredictable".